Counselling & Psychotherapy
ONLINE & in person
Jane Archutowska
07958 251742
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy outlines your rights, and my responsibilities to you with regard to the recording and storage of your personal information. I will also set out how I will look after your personal information, for how long I will store it, and who I will share it with. In addition, I will let you know what you are able to request from me with regard to this information.
I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) registration no: ZA014245. No one but myself as the data controller in my practice has access to the information gathered and held during our work together.
The General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) requires that personal information about people may only be stored provided that the information is: processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary; accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; kept in a form that permits identification of information subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal information are processed; and processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal information. My contractual obligations to you as a psychotherapist are the lawful basis for my processing of your personal information.
In order to work effectively and in line with professional practice, I will collect your personal information over the telephone or video, in writing, and in person during our meetings. These will include your name and contact details, GP details and relevant medical records as well as assessment and brief session notes. When you visit my website I will collect the I.P. address, location, search engine, date, time, web pages visited, operating system, and device.
Your personal information is accessible only by me and stored securely and confidentially in line with GDPR regulations either electronically using password protection, or in paper format which is stored in a locked cabinet. Your contact details are kept separately from session notes. Your contact details and session notes will be held for no longer than is necessary, usually seven years after the therapeutic process has ended, at which point they will be securely destroyed.
If you request me to contact you via the web form on, I will collect the following information: name, telephone number, email, date and time.
In rare circumstances it may become necessary to share information with a third party if I feel that you, or someone else close to you, is at risk of significant harm. Unless the risk is imminent, this will be discussed with you before appropriate disclosure. I do have a legal obligation to break confidentiality in compliance with a court order, concerns over child protection or knowledge regarding fraud, drug trafficking or acts of terrorism. Therapists are also required to have regular supervision which is an essential part for reviewing and monitoring a therapist’s work. Supervisors are also subject to the same confidentiality.
Right to access
You have the right to find out what information that I store about you by requesting a copy of it. You can email me at: and ask for a copy of the information that I hold about you. I may charge a fee for providing this information based on the administrative costs involved.
Right to erasure
You have the right to ask me to erase any information that I hold about you. This includes your personal information that is no longer relevant to original purposes, or if you wish to withdraw consent. There may be an administrative charge for this. I may also have the right to refuse to comply with your request, for example in order to defend myself in a claim situation, or to comply with my insurance terms and conditions.
Right to complain
Whilst I hope that the policy outlined above will be enough to reassure you of the security of your personal information, should you wish to object or complain about the way that your personal information is being handled by me, then do please feel free to communicate this to me at the earliest possible opportunity. I will do my best to address your concerns and take steps to try and resolve whatever issues you may raise.